Finance Your New Home
Numbers to think about
20% Down payment plus closing cost
1% of the purchase price will be your monthly payment
3 months of total mortgage payments for reserves in your bank account and seasoned showing on your bank statements.
All debts, total mortgage payment and all monthly payments have to be 50% of your monthly income.
Numeros para ayudar
20% de entrada mas costo de siere
1% del precio de la casa va ser la mensualidad.
3 meses de mensualidad en reserve en el banco por mas de 3 meses en el extracto de cuenta
Los pagos hipoteca con toda las deudas no pueden ser mas de 50% do lo que ganas al mes.
Documents for Mortgage Application
3 months of paystubs
3 years of complete tax returns with W2’s
3 years of complete business tax returns for business owner’s and independent contractor’s (if applicable)
3 months of bank statements for all banking, checking, savings and retirement accounts (if applicable)
All Bankruptcy documentation, accounts in the bankruptcy, and the final documents of the bankruptcy (if applicable)
All Divorce documentation (if applicable)
Proof of alimony or alimony payments to and for children (if applicable)
Driver’s license
Social Security Card
Documentos para tu aplicación
Talonario del trabajo los 3 más resientes
Planilla de Impuestos al IRS de los 3 últimos años con todas las páginas y los W2
Planilla de impuestos Corporativos de los 3 últimos años con todas las paginas (solo para los dueños de empresas o empleados por cuenta propia)
Los 3 últimos de estados de cuentas bancarios más resientes con todas las páginas de la cuenta de cheque, ahorro y de retiro
Documentos de Bancarrota con todas las cuentas incluidas & la finalización de la bancarrota (solo si aplica)
Documentos de Sentencia y estipulaciones de divorcio final & división de bienes (solo si aplica)
Documentos de pensión alimenticia o pensión de hijos (solo si aplica)
Copia de la licencia de conducir
Copia de la tarjeta del Seguro Social
Jacqueline Sanchez and is a Mortgage Banker with City First Mortgage Services. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business & Finance and an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. She previously managed a successful real estate closing office and has helped many families achieve the American Dream. Jacky is dedicated to her clients and guides them though every step of the mortgage process. Her goal is to provide you with every option possible that best fits your mortgage needs. She listens carefully to your needs and needs to structure the best possible loan. Jacky does not work like other lenders because she works with your schedule and also available on weekends. Fill out our form and let’s get to work finding your new loan.
As a mortgage banker, City First Mortgage Services makes residential loans from its own funds on properties in the majority of states across the country. City First Mortgage works with licensed appraisers in each of those states in obtaining appraisals according to investor requirements. City First also works with licensed third-party escrow companies in each of those states in handling all reserve funds.
City First Mortgage Services processes and underwrites its own loans, all loan processing policies and underwriting approvals being overseen by its Operations Department, and according to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac/Government guidelines. Audit procedures are controlled and carried-out by third-party quality control service providers, the policies of which are documented in “City First Mortgage Services, L.L.C., Loan Origination Quality Control Policy.”
Keeping customer information secure and using it only as our customers would want us to, is a top priority for all of us at City 1st. Here then, is our promise to our individual customers:
- We will safeguard, according to strict standards of security and confidentiality, any information our customers share with us.
- We will limit the collection and use of customer information to the minimum we require to deliver superior service to our customers, which includes advising our customers about our products, services and other opportunities, and to administer our business.
- We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to that information. Employees who violate our Privacy Promise will be subject to our normal disciplinary process.
- We will not reveal customer information to any external organization unless we have previously informed the customer in disclosures or agreements, been authorized by the customer, or are required by law.
- We will always maintain control over the confidentiality of our customer information. We may, however, facilitate relevant offers from reputable companies. These companies are not permitted to retain any customer information unless the customer has specifically expressed interest in their products or services.
- We will tell customers in plain language initially, and at least once annually, how they may remove their names from marketing lists. At any time, customers can contact us to remove their names from such lists.
- Whenever we hire other organizations to provide support services, we will require them to conform to our policy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance.
- For purposes of credit reporting, verification and risk management, we will exchange information about our customers with reputable reference sources and clearinghouse services.
- We will attempt to keep customer files complete, up to date, and accurate. We will tell our customers how and where to conveniently access their account information (except when we’re prohibited by law), and how to notify us about errors which we will promptly correct. We will continuously assess ourselves to ensure that customer privacy is respected. We will conduct out business in a manner that fulfills our promise in the many states in which we do business.
Get Pre Approved
Mortgage Banker

Jacqueline Sanchez
- CityFirst Mortgage Services LLC
- 7855 SW 104th Street Suite 210 Miami, FL 33156